项目研究 | 喀山红宝石足球俱乐部
19th August 2022
建筑师:Tsnii Promzdany
- 2009年populous交付的设计概念与其工作室早期作废的针对北爱尔兰国家体育场的设计相似。因此需要解决设计概念上的争议。
- 项目起始于2010年,预计在2012年末完工,但严寒天施工困难导致体育馆无法如期完工来举办夏季运动会。
- 采用材料需要在低倾斜角度的屋顶设计前提下兼具高雪荷载性能。且能应对冬天-30℃的极端气候
- 由于一个承包商团队需要负责建筑的二级钢结构、由PC和金属组成对屋顶以及排水系统,工程量大时间紧,因此需要快速且高效的现场施工方案。
- Concept delivered by Populous in 2009 it was subject to controversy due to similarity with earlier work of the office, scrapped national stadium of Northern Ireland.
- Design was developed by TSNII PROMZDANIY by V. Motorin.Started in 2010, the construction was expected to end in late 2012, but a significant delay caused it not to be ready by the Universiade at all.
- Weatherboards for low-angle roofs and heavy snow load,can stand extreme climatic condition.
- One contractor has to be responsible for secondary steel structure, polycarbonate and metal roof together with drainage system, thus a fast and convenient onsite installation is required.
- 在新的喀山体育场的设计上,保持了项目整体的碗状外观,但两端弧度设计的更低,以增强整个设计的动态视觉效果。
- 让体育馆在赛事期间得以运行,等赛事结束后继续施工。
- 最终DANPALON 16mm 磨砂面板 与 ALUFORM Falzripp公司 一起被选择应用在建筑物上,因为它们结合出来的挡风板能满足该项目的低角度屋顶设计需求且兼具高雪荷载性能。
- Danpal技术团队协助提供完整解决方案,工厂预安装式danpal板被应用在项目中,简易的安装方式,节约人力成本,缩短现场施工时间。
- The bowl was thus lowered on both ends, making its shape more dynamic.
- Current plan envisages making the stadium operable for the event, but finished only afterwards.
- DANPALON 16 softlight was chosen for this application along with ALUFORM Falzripp because they are especially suitable as weatherboards for low-angle roofs for heavy snow load.
- With Danpal technical teams’ assistant, a complete solution include factory pre-fabricated cassette danpal panels was applied in the project, with simple installation method which saved the labor costs and shortened the site construction time as well.
- 鞑靼斯坦共和国总统鲁斯塔姆·明尼哈诺夫在体育场屋顶结构上。
- 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京访问喀山体育场期间
- President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov on stadium roof structure.
- President Vladimir Putin during his visit at Kazan stadium
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